1. "Motherhood: Not the Only Star in the Horizon! Delineation of
Mothers in Anita Desai’s Where Shall We Go This Summer? And Fasting Feasting", 2010
The Woman Question in the Contemporary Indian Women Writings in English
2. "Story-telling for Eco (e)ducating: Shravana Stories from Maharashtra", 2012, Janakristi Vol. 2
No.5-6 Year: 2011-12 ISSN No:0974-6188
3. "The Role of Sustainable Development in Preservation and Protection of Wetlands", 2015
ISBN : 978-81-922965-2-4
Bioprospecting of Gene Pool: Trends and Prospects in Northeast India
4. "The Role of Folklore Research in Preserving the Endangered
Languages of the North-East", Jan. 2017 ISSN No:0976
Vol.10 No. 2
5. "The Role of Ojapali in Creating Social Awareness and the Need to Reinstate it in the Modern Assamese Society", 2017
Cultural Heritage of Assam
6. "Gender Discourse in the Reconstruction of Hindu Myths in Shashi Deshpande’s Select Short Stories", 2018
ISBN: 978-93-85839-22-1
Rethinking Colonialism and Globalization the historical saga of India from the 19th century onwards
7. "Two Performing Art Forms: Ojapali of Assam and Keertan of Maharashtra", 2021
Book on Performing Art Forms published by Assam College Teachers Association