English Study Forum

The English Study Forum was opened in 2002 for the benefit of the faculty and the student community with the following aims and objectives:
1. Aims and Objectives:
  1. To encourage all literary activities in English and Comparative literature among the faculty, the students and the teachers of the Department.
  2. With the above in mind, to conduct departmental seminars, invitation lectures, bridge courses, extempore speeches, debates and such other programmes.
  3. To enable the students of the College in general, to improve their proficiency in English, to open professional English Speaking Course of 24 sessions.
  4. The Forum also plans to start a departmental journal/ magazine to encourage independent writing in English and Comparative Literature.
2. Membership:
  1. All the teachers and major/honours students of the Department of English will be the members of the Forum.
  2. The membership fees will be ? 10.00 per month for the students and ?25.00 per month for the teachers.
3. Portfolios:
  1. There will be a convenor, assistant convenor, two secretaries, a treasurer, and two student representatives.
  2. The managing body will be re-shuffled every 2 years.
  3. There will be provision for the post of two advisors, both from among the faculty of the college.
4. Meetings:
  1. The Forum will try to meet every fortnight. But emergency meeting will be called if and when required.
