Dr. Partha Pratim Goswami ( Ph.D., M.Sc. in Physics )

Assistant Professor Physics


Specialization : Astronomy and Astrophysics

Area of Interest : Metal-Poor Stars, Galactic Archaeology, Galactic Chemical Enrichment, Early Nucleosynthesis, Kinematic Studies of stars, Stellar Evolution, AGB Nucleosynthesis, Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis (s-, i- & r-processes), Barium stars, CH Stars, CEMP stars, Extremely metal-poor stars, binary evolution and mass-transfer, and Low & High-resolution stellar spectroscopy. I am open to learning new techniques/tools, developing new skills and enhancing my research area. NASA ADS


1.) Title: Chemical analysis of CH stars- III. Atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances
Authors: Meenakshi Purandardas, Aruna Goswami, Partha Pratim Goswami, J. Shejeelammal and Thomas Masseron
Journal: MNRAS, 2019, 486, 3266. Impact Factor: 5.235 (2021)

2.) Title: Characterizing the companion AGBs using surface chemical composition of barium stars
Authors: J. Shejeelammal, Aruna Goswami, Partha Pratim Goswami, Rajeev Singh Rathour, Thomas Masseron
Journal: MNRAS, 2020, 492, 3708. Impact Factor: 5.235 (2021)

3.) Title: i-process nucleosynthesis: observational evidences from CEMP stars
Authors: Partha Pratim Goswami & Aruna Goswami
Journal: JApA, 2020, 41, 47. Impact Factor: 1.61 (2021)

4.) Title: Spectroscopic study of CEMP-(s & r/s) stars: Revisiting classification criteria and formation scenarios, highlighting i-process nucleosynthesis
Authors: Partha Pratim Goswami, Rajeev Singh Rathour & Aruna Goswami
Journal: A&A, 2021, 649, A49. Impact Factor: 6.24 (2021)

5.) Title: The peculiar abundances of HE 1005–1439: A carbon-enhanced extremely metal-poor star contaminated with products of both s- and i-process nucleosynthesis
Authors: Partha Pratim Goswami & Aruna Goswami
Journal: A&A, 2022, 657, A50. Impact Factor: 6.24 (2021)

6.) Title: Study of Chemically Peculiar Stars-I: High-resolution Spectroscopy and K2 Photometry of Am Stars in the Region of M44
Authors: Santosh Joshi, Otto Trust, E. Semenko, P. E. Williams, P. Lampens, P. De Cat, L. Vermeylen, D. L. Holdsworth, R. A. García, S. Mathur, A. R. G. Santos, D. Mkrtichian, A. Goswami, M. Cuntz, A. P. Yadav, M. Sarkar, B. C. Bhatt, F. Kahraman Aliçavu?, M. D. Nhlapo, M. N. Lund, P. P. Goswami, I. Savanov, A. Jorissen, E. Jurua, E. Avvakumova, E. S. Dmitrienko, N. K. Chakradhari, M. K. Das, S. Chowdhury, O. P. Abedigamba, I. Yakunin, B. Letarte, D. Karinkuzhi
Journal: MNRAS, 2022, 510, 5854. Impact Factor: 5.235 (2021)

7.) Title: Spectroscopic study of Ba and CEMP-s stars: Mass distributions of AGB progenitors
Authors: Partha Pratim Goswami & Aruna Goswami
Journal: AJ, 2023, 165, 154. Impact Factor: 6.26 (2020)

8.) Title: Formation Scenarios of Ba Stars: New Evidence from the Masses of the Companion AGBs
Authors: Partha Pratim Goswami & Aruna Goswami
Journal: BSRSL, 2024, 93(2), 461

9.) Title: On the potential of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-poor Stars for Galactic Archaeology
Authors: Aruna Goswami, J. Shejeelammal, Partha Pratim Goswami & Meenakshi Purandardas
Journal: BSRSL, 2024, 93(2), 406


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Conference/ Seminars :

1.) Presented a poster titled “Chemical analysis of HE 0308?1612 and HE 0017+0055” in the national conference Astronomical Society of India (ASI) 2019 held at Christ University, Bangalore, India, during 18-22 February 2019

2.) Contributed talk titled “CEMP-r/s stars and intermediate neutron-capture process” in the national conference Young Astronomers’ Meet (YAM) 2019, held at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, India, during 23-27 September 2019

3.) Contributed talk titled “i-process nucleosynthesis: observational evidences from CEMP stars” in the international conference 150 years of the periodic table: “Chemical elements in the Universe: origin and evolution” held at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India, 16-19 December 2019

4.) Contributed talk titled “Metal-poor stars and neutron-capture nucleosynthesis” in the national conference Astronomical Society of India (ASI) 2020 held at IISER Tirupati, Tirupati, India during 13-17 February, 2020

5.) Contributed talk titled “Nucleosynthesis in Carbon Enhanced Metal Poor Stars” in the One day Indo-Thai Workshop on “Investigating the Stellar Variability and Star Formation” held at ARIES, Nainital, India on 2nd March 2020

6.) Presented a poster titled “Spectroscopic Study of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor stars” in the HCT 20 Meeting held at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India, during 29-30 September 2020

7.) Presented a poster titled “Spectroscopic study of CEMP-(s & r/s) stars: classification criteria and formation scenarios” in IIA in-house Meeting held at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India during 17-18 June 2021

8.) Contributed talk titled “An extremely metal-poor star, contaminated with products of both i- and s-process nucleosynthesis” in the 21st National Space Science Symposium, held at IISER Kolkata, India during 31st January - 4th February 2022

9.) Presented a poster titled “HE 1005-1439: observational evidences for a new site where i- and s-processes operate in succession” in the national conference Astronomical Society of India (ASI) 2022, held at IIT Roorkee, India, during 25-29 March 2022

10.) Presented a poster titled “Mass distribution of AGB progenitors of Ba and CEMP-s stars” in the international conference ‘The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution’, held at Garching, Germany, during 14-18 November 2022

11.) Presented a poster titled “Formation scenarios of Ba stars: new evidence from the masses of the companion AGBs” in the international conference 3rd BINA workshop on “Scientific potential of the Indo-Belgian cooperation”, held at Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal, during 22-24 March, 2023

12.) Contributed talk titled “HE 1005-1439: discovery of a unique extremely metal-poor star with traces of both i- and s-process nucleosynthesis” in the North East Meet of Astronomers (NEMA-X), held at Tezpur University, Tezpur, India during 23-25 October 2024