Department of History, D.K.College has organized an International Webinar in
collaboration with IQAC, D.K.College titled ‘History of Pandemics and the Role
of the UNO creating Socio-economic stability during Covid-19 era’, which was
held on 7th February, 2020. In this regard the Dept. of History, invited Dr.
Ritu Kumar Mishra, International Civil Servant (Monitoring and Evaluation
office), UNO, Malawi (Africa) as the Resource Person of this webinar. The
webinar was hosted by Dhrubajyoti Gogoi, Asstt. Professor of the concerned
department, the webinar was attended by a good number of students, research
scholars and teachers from across the country attended the webinar. Speaking on
this occasion, the Resource Person Dr. Mishra gave brief history of Pandemics from
19th century onwards which includes Spanish Flu (1918-20), Asian Flu
(1957) H1N1 Swine Flu (2009) etc. to Corona Virus at present. He also mentioned
the characteristics of Corona Virus and the concept of SARS-Cov and MERS-Cov.
Mentioning the role of UNO in this pandemic situation, he referred to the
creation of ‘UN Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund’ which is a major step
taken by the UNO to organize a global action plan to fight against this
pandemic. He concluded his speech by saying ‘Namaskar’ mentioning popularity of
this Indian greeting tradition among the world communities now-a-days instead
of a handshake to prevent this disease.