Department Profile
of Establishment
of Major/Honours Course
of the Programmes/Courses offered
capacity (Major)
of Teaching Faculty
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provided (Smart class room, LCD projector, departmental library
Departmental Activities:
Seminars, Talks, Quiz competition, Art Competition, Recitation Competition, Extension Activity etc.
- 3rd March, 2023: Students participated in cultural rally organised by college in the annual college week.
- 4th March, 2023: 'Parent-Teacher Meet'
- 17th March, 2023: Interactive-Session with former faculties of Education Department.
- On March, 2023, Departmental news bulletin 'EDN' was published, Vol.19th. Click to Download
- On February, 2022, Departmental news bulletin 'EDN' was published, Vol.11th to 18th . Click to Download
- 12th February, 2022: 'Parent-Teacher Meet'
- 18th February, 2022: Lecture Programme on NEP,2020
- Resource Person:
- Dr. Dulumoni Goswami
Professor, Department of Education
Gauhati University
- 3rd June, 2022: Lecture cum Demonstration session on 'Yoga and Mental Health'
- Resource Person:
- Gautam Thakuria, Faculty,
Lankeswar B.Ed College
- Karabi Medhi, Demonstrator
- 20th October, 2022: Prize distribution ceremony on recitation competition among the students of class I to V of Tanuram Sishu Vidyalaya, Santipur, Mirza.
- 31st October, 2022: Extension activity on 'Cleanliness Drive' at Tanuram Sishu Vidyalaya.
- 19th November, 2022: Alumni Meet was held to form the Alumni Association of Education Department.
- Students won 3rd prize in cultural rally organised by college in the annual college week.
- 19th August, 2020: A Web-Based Interactive Session on "Covid-19 Pandemic and Holistic Health of students".
- 4th February, 2019: Students won consolation prize in cultural rally organised by college in the annual college week.
- On 3rd April, 2019, a meeting was held to bid farewell to former Head, Department of Education, Dr. Indira Saikia.
- 29th January, 2018: Students won consolation prize in cultural rally organised by college in the annual college week.
- On 12th February, 2016, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for their achievements in academic and co-curricular activities.
- On 27th and 28th July, 2016, a workshop on 'Montessori Method of Teaching' was organised by the Department in association with Sun Infosys Vocational Training Institute, Ulubari.
- Resource Person:
- Soma Choudhury, Trainer
Sun Infosys Vocational Training Institute, Ulubari.
- On 8th September, 2016, for observance of World Literacy Day a special talk was organised for publicity of the message of UN Secretary General and Director General, UNESCO.
- Resource Person:
- Dr. Ramesh Chandra Barpatragohain,
Dean, Faculty of Law, Gauhti University
- Mr. Sanjib Kakati
Programme Specialist of Education and Environment
- On 18th April, 2015, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for their outstanding achievements in scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
- On 8th May, 2014, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for their outstanding achievements in scholastic and co-scholastic activities
- On 5th February, 2013, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for their outstanding achievements in scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
- On 10th September, 2013, a Lecture Programme on "Semester System in Undergraduate Level with the Perspective of Gauhati University" was organised
- Resource Person:
- Dr. Dulumoni Goswami
Associate Professor
Department of Education
Gauhati University
- On October, 2013, Departmental news bulletin 'EDN' Vol. 6th , 7th , 8th , 9th , & 10th was published.
- On 6th November, 2012, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education" related to the course of final year students.
- On 19th December, 2012, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Globalization and Privatization of Higher Education" related to the course of final year students.
- On 11th and 12th June, 2011, UGC sponsored National Workshop on 'Innovative Teaching Methodology in Higher Education' organised by Education and Political Science Departments.
- On 17th August 2011, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for their achievements in academic and co-curricular activities and also to felicitate ex-student for clearing NET exam.
- On 8th September, 2011, for observance of World Literacy Day a Lecture Programme on "Stress in Daily Life Management" was organised.
- Resource person:
- Dr. Nilima Bhagabati
Prof. Department of Education
Gauhati University
- On 19th October, 2011, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education and Quality Maintenance" related to the course of final year students.
- On 11th November, 2011, Departmental magazine 'Gyanam' was published on the occasion of golden jubilee celebration of D.K.College.
- On 6th October, 2010, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education" related to the course of final year students.
- On 14th September, 2009, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education" related to the course of final year students.
- On 7th November, 2009, Prize distribution ceremony (for essay competition among the Education major students) and Ovation (position holders and 1st class holders of Education major from 1997 to 2009) was organized by the Department.
- On 27th November, 2009, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Semester System in T.D.C. Course- its Merits and Demerits" related to the course of final year students.
- On 31st January, 2008, Lecture Programme on the topic "Need of Balanced Diet for Good Health and Causes of Different Diseases and its Preventive Measures" was organised.
- Resource Person:
- Rekha Devi Bora, Lecturer, D.K. Girls College
- Dr. Apurba Talukdar, Doctor Borihat Primary Health Centre
- On 23rd February, 2008, Prize distribution ceremony was organized by the Department for essay competition among the students of class V, VI, VII of Kokjhar Sri Mahendra Chaudhury M.E. School.
- On 14th November, 2008, Departmental Bulletin 'EDN' Vol. 3rd,4th & 5th was inaugurated by Dr.Kulendu Pathak, Ex-Vice Chancellor of Dibrugarh University on the occasion of college foundation day.
- On 22nd November, 2008, Lecture Programme on the topic "Personality Development and Education" was organised.
- Resource Person:
- Jatin Baruah, Renowned Educationist
- On 29th November, 2008, Awareness Camp on Physio-Therapy was organised by the Department in collaboration with NAAC-Cell, D.K. College, Mirza.
- Resource Person:
- Dr. Palash Pathak and His team
- In the year 2008, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for academic achievement.
- On 5th December, 2008, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Women Education-The Essential Condition of National Development" related to the course of final year students.
- On 10th October, 2007, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Vocational Education-Need of the hour" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 29th November, 2007, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Women Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 3rd January, 2006, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Vocational Education-Need of the Hour" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 24th January, 2006, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education-Need or Luxury" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 7th February, 2006, Lecture cum Demonstration Session on the topic "Lesson Planning and Practice Teaching" was organised and ovation was given to students for achievement in scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
- Resource Person:
- Dr. Nandita Sarma
Retd., HOD, Education, Gauhati University
- On 5th September, 2006, an Extempore Speech Competition was organised among the Education major students.
- On 8th September, 2006, for observance of World Literacy Day a Departmental seminar on the topic "Aims and Objectives of Higher Education in India-Past, Present and Future" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 28th October, 2006, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Relevance of Present Higher Education Curriculum" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- In the year 2006, the departmental wall magazine 'Gyanam' won third prize in the wall magazine competition organized by Vivekananda Kendra, Guwahati.
- On January, 2005, Departmental news bulletin 'EDN' Vol. 2 was published.
- On 23rd August, 2005, Interdisciplinary Interactive Session on the topic "Heredity and Environment- its impact on the Academic Development of the students" was organised.
- Resource Persons (All from D.K. College, Mirza):
- Dr. Anup Kr. Chakrabarty
Head, Department of Zoology
- Dwijen Dutta,
HOD, Department of Physics & Nodal person in Environmental Studies
- Dipika Devi
Department of Education
- A.R.Sarma
Department of Education.
- On 26th October, 2005, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Teacher Education: its Problems and prospects" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- 3rd December, 2005, Departmental Counselling Session was held to counsel the students of Education major.
- On 19th December, 2005, a Departmental seminar was organised on the topic "Globalization and Privatization of Higher Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On January, 2004, Departmental news bulletin 'EDN' was published for the first time.
- On 3rd January, 2004, Departmental seminar was organised on the topic, "Teacher Education and its Problems" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 21st January, 2004, a Team-Teaching Session on "Environmental Education" was organised and ovation was given to students for achievement in c0-scholastic activities.
- Resource Person/Team teachers (All from D.K. College, Mirza):
- Dr. Anup Kr. Chakrabarty
Head, Department of Zoology
- Dr. Nagendra Sarma
Sr. Lecturer, Department of Chemistry
- D.N. Singha
Lecturer, Department of Botany
- Indira Saikia
Lecturer, Department of Education.
- On 8th September, 2004, a Lecture cum Discussion Session on the topic "Students' Role in Socio-Economic Development of our State" was organised.
- Resource Persons (All from D.K. College, Mirza):
- Hira Neog
HOD, Department of Economics
- M.P. Baruah
Department of Political Science
- A.S.N.Sangma
Department of Assamese
- A.R.Sarma,
Department of Education.
- On 25th January, 2003, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Universalization of Primary Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 1st January, 2003, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Needs of Vocational Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 4th November, 2003, a meeting was held to bid farewell to founder Head, Department of Education, Mrs. Aparazeeta Barpuzari.
- On 7th November, 2003, Lecture Programme on the topic "Delinquency and Protection of Mental Health" was organised.
- Resource Person:
- Dr.Jayanta Diseases
Clinical Psychiatrist
- Dr. Jagat Swargiary
Reader, Department of Education
Gauhati University
- On 14th November, 2003 (43rd Foundation Day of College), an exhibition was organised where different handmade products, models, pictures etc. were displayed by ex-students and present students.
- On 24th December, 2003, Departmental Counselling Session was held to counsel the students of Education major.
- On 25th January, 2002, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Universalization of Primary Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 22nd August, 2002, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Vocationalisation of Secondary Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 7th September, 2002, on the eve of World Literacy Day Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Significance of World Literacy Day" for the Education major students.
- On 12th September, 2002, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Education for National and Emotional Integration" for the final year Education major students.
- On 10th October, 2002, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Education and Environment" for the final year Education major students.
- On 26th December, 2002, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Population Explosion and Population Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On December, 2002, an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the students for academic achievement.
- On 13th September, 2001, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Non-formal Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 11th October, 2001, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Distance Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 29th December, 2001, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Vocationalisation of Secondary Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 6th January, 2000, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Non-formal Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On November, 2000 an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the student for academic achievement.
- On 28th September, 1999, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Universalisation of Primary Education" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On 26th November, 1999, Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Vocationalisation of Education at secondary level" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- In the year 1998, first Departmental Seminar was organised on the topic "Higher Education-Its Problems and Prospects" related to the course for the final year Education major students.
- On October, 1998 an Ovation Programme was organised to felicitate the student for academic achievement.